Industrial Waste Transportation Procedures of the Environmental Management Academic Center (EMAC)
The industrial waste transportation procedure of the Environmental Management Academic Center (EMAC) is as follows:
1. Register to use the manifest system (EMAC ID Register): A waste generator (WG) must designate a company employee to use the system.
2. Create a catalog of waste in the system: Waste generator (WG) must prepare data on the waste type and estimated amount of waste that occurs annually and consult with EMAC’s technical staff to determine the waste code according to the system of the European waste Catalog and Hazardous waste list or EWC-HWL (Click to see the waste code) you can create waste catalog by following the steps => Click;
3. Create Manifest: Waste generator (WG) must inform the type of waste to be transported, quantity, packaging, date to be transported, select the waste transporter (WT) and waste disposal (WD) registered in the system by following the steps => Click;
4. Check the accuracy of the information: the waste system staff (WS) checks the accuracy and completeness of Draft Manifest before approve data to system database;
5. Waste transporter (WT) Confirm to the shipment: the waste transporter confirm the date of shipment specified in the Manifest as well as provides the vehicle and driver;
6. Waste Disposal (WD) Confirm to the shipment: the waste disposal confirm to disposal waste that specified in the Manifest;
7. Waste Transport:
7.1. Waste Generator (WG) scans the QR Code to authorize the delivery of the waste to the transporter (WT)
7.2. when the waste is transported to the destination, the waste disposal (WD) checks the correctness of the waste, weight and then scans the QR to confirm the receipt of the waste from the transporter (WT);
8. Confirmation of information: the waste regulator (WR) checks the authenticity of the shipment and Certify the manifest;
- Registration using the manifest system (EMAC ID Register) is done only one time.
- Creating a waste catalog is done once a year, but you can add waste categories (later through approval by the information manager or waste system staff (WS) of EMAC.
- Create Manifest must be done every time before transporting industrial waste.